Starry-eyed and seventeen


Dear Hillary,

I am 17 years old and have just arrived from Australia on a school tour.  Your country is great.  I was wondering if you think there would be any jobs in the bar and entertainment industry for someone like me?  I have experience in bars and worked for a while in McDonalds after school.  I have met a young lady here and I would like to stay here to go with her.  Is this going to be easy, or should I look at something else?


Dear Oz,

You certainly did come down in the last shower, didn’t you, my Petal.  Bar work is not for foreigners in this country, despite your experience in asking someone if they’d like some ‘fries to go with that’.  I also think the romance will be a “to go” item too.  Better luck next year, when the Wizard of Oz might be able to help you.