Tanning lotion Vs Whitening cream


Dear Hillary,

This might sound silly but listening to the radio the other morning, I heard a panel discussion with African-Americans all upset that white people looked at them differently because of their skin color. Is it like that in Thailand?


Dear Max,

The biggest selling cosmetic in Thailand is whitening cream, because all the brown girls want to be white. The big seller in Europe is tanning lotion as the white girls want to be brown. Taking that a bit further girls with curly hair want it straightened and those with straight hair want it curled. Add to that the other day I heard a survey which said that one in five ladies in Pattaya are transgenders, so nobody wants to be what they really are. It’s a mixed up world as Ray Davies sang in the song Lola:

“Girls will be boys and boys will be girls,

It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola.”