Thai women can be great wives


Dear Hillary,

You are always complaining that you don’t get any positive letters so that’s why you’re down on the Thai bar girls. Not all of them are on the make. Let me assure you that is true. My wife, who I met in a bar, and that was where I got know her, has been a wonderful partner and companion for the past 15 years (we got married 13 years ago). I couldn’t ask for a better wife, and I’m certainly better off than my workmates in the UK who are always complaining about their wives who try to rule the roost all the time, and they’ve even got to ask permission to go down the pub. When you look at a 40 year old western woman, compared to a 40 year old Thai woman, there is just no comparison! So there you are Poppet, a positive one for you.


Dear Jimmy,

Thank you for that, it does my heart good to read letters like yours. I have to add, however, that mixed marriages are always difficult, that’s men and women, nothing to do with race, color, creed and all that. A friend of mine (I do have them) says that you only get 15 years in jail for murder, and these marriage problems go longer than that! He also says that if divorce were easier, every man would be in it. Finally, why do British married men die before their wives? Because they want to.