The “me first” culture


Dear Hillary,

With all these men writing to you to say how they have been tricked or cheated in Thailand, perhaps it is time to say that not everyone has a hard-luck story to tell.  There is another side to the coin.  Certainly there are differences between Thai women and European/American women, but that is part of their charm.  There are also differences in culture, so to say that looking after sick or needy relatives is an imposition means that the man does not understand the “family” culture here, as opposed to the selfish culture of “me first” above everything else, which is the usual situation in the west.  Nar and I have been together for fifteen years and I support our children and one from Nar’s previous marriage.  Certainly the relatives stay with us when they are in town, but it is a small price to pay, offset by the pleasure that Nar gets while they are here.  I think many of these men who write to you are selfish in their attitude, and they bring the end results upon themselves.  To those men who complain about all the problems they have, I say treat the Thai women with consideration, respect their culture, this is their country, not yours and you will be rewarded with a deep and satisfying association.

Ex GI Joe

Dear ex GI Joe,

It pleases Hillary very much to see there are some men over here who are prepared to admit to and respect the fact that they are guests in this country.  Sure, there are societal differences as this is not America, this is Amazing Thailand.  Fitting in as ex GI Joe has done is very much better than trying to mold the women and the customs to your western ways.  As ex GI Joe writes, you will be rewarded.  By the same token, you should carefully choose your life’s mate, slowly and thoughtfully, just as you would do when looking for a mate in your own countries.  One night of passion is not the basis for a strong and lasting union, something many of you appear not to have understood.