The Satand sisters


Dear Hillary,

Having given a young lady, who works in the local hostelry, some shelter for one night because it was raining, I now find that when I drop in for a beer and a chat, all the other girls rush off and get Miss Wunnite Satand for me, even if it isn’t raining.  This would be fun if I actually wanted to chat to this young lady, but there is another that interests me more.  How do I get over this problem and get to speak to the one I want, not the one the others want me to see?


Dear Chuck,

I wish all the questions were as easy to answer as this one.  The way around this is to be honest and tell your Ms. Wunnite Satand (lovely name, isn’t it – I’m sure you didn’t make it up) that you would like to speak with her sister Ms. Neksnite Satand and could she bring her over and here’s 100 baht for your trouble.  She will understand and co-operate fully.  If you have tipped a little heavily before, then be prepared to double the finder’s fee.