The sword is mightier than the pen is?


Dear Hillary,

I know this is supposed to be a column for all those guys with broken hearts, and there’s plenty of them around, but I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find a good stationary shop?  I don’t like blue biro’s, and have used a nib pen with black ink almost all my life, but for the life of me I cannot seem to find black ink and refillable nib pens, other than the dreadfully expensive ones like Mont Blanc and Cross and suchlike.  Do you know Hillary?


Dear George,

Goodness me, you are one for the old-fashioned ways.  I didn’t know anyone still used ink pens!  However, I am told that B2B (in Central Festival) does have ink refills.  There may be others, but I find that between the computer, text messages and the phone I don’t need to write on compressed trees any more.

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