The Up-Country con game


Dear Hillary,

My Thai GF likes to go back to the village every couple of months to see her mother. I’m cool with this but she never gets back when she says she will be. It goes from a couple of days extra to 10 days on one trip. There’s always lots of reasons why this happens like her dog gets run over, a local boy was rude to her and she went to the police to complain, so had to be there for the meeting with the police and the guy. The phone never seems to work either. Then there’s a funeral about once a month it seems, and I’m starting to get suspicious. What should I do about this? Or do you think I’m worrying too much?



Dear Jack,

I think you know the answer to this, my Petal. You’re being played for a fool. I’m sure she gets money for the bus or plane from you, so you are subsidizing her behavior. What can you do? Well, insist on her coming back when she says and accept no excuses. The phone coverage in Thailand, even to Isaan is good. So tell her she either starts playing the game or it’s all over. Don’t continue to be a sucker.

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