Three months is not a lifetime


Dear Hillary,

Thought you’d like to know your (sic) not always right you know.  Your (sic) always on about the bar girls and how you’ll get ripped off, but let me tell you about Da, she and me meet three months ago and we’re going to get married next year.  She’s been with me all that time and we never have a bad word together.  She’s a gem and she came from a bar too, so don’t go telling everyone to stay away from the bar girls.  They are just as good as the uppity girls you are pushin (sic) on to everyone.


Dear Jim,

Have you heard of the phrase “One swallow doesn’t make a summer”?  I am glad you are happy with your Da, but three months is not a long time, Jim.  Tell me how you both are in three years.  I shall cross my fingers for you, Petal.