Watch the escalators


Dear Hillary,

I never thought of myself as a prude, but what do you think of the way these girls dress round here.  Or maybe I should have said “undress” round here.  Every day I see girls with dresses so short it barely covers their panties and when they go up escalators, nothing is left to the imagination.  While they dress like that, they are asking to be molested.  The boy is the one who gets in trouble, but it is these girls who taunt the boys with the sexy dresses that cause the trouble.  Do you agree with me Hillary?


Dear Julie,

I’m sorry Julie, but while I agree some girls here dress in a very sexual manner, the girl who gets pregnant is also in trouble.  If the society accepts the dress code which worries you, it means the girls’ parents have given their agreement.  Like the letter before yours, it is back to sex education I believe.  I might also suggest you stop being an ‘up-skirt voyeur’.