What percentage are liars?


Dear Hillary,

You have had a run of letters recently where the unsuspecting foreigners find out that their wives are having affairs, and then realize that they have been lied to for years.  Now they don’t know where to turn to next.  Are all Thai women like that?  It would seem so.  How do you see this, Hillary?


Dear Jack,

There are bad and good people all over the world.  Being unfaithful is not something only Thai women are guilty of.  Even the worst statistics which say that 60 percent of Thai women are unfaithful, that still means 40 percent are faithful.  It is finding the 40 percent that is the hard part.  Naturally if you look for that elusive 40 percent in the beer bars, you will be very lucky to find it.  In fact, probably impossible.  As I have said many times, Petal, you should not go looking for cheese in a stationary shop!

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