Why the wai?


Dear Hillary,

I am new here to Thailand and the “wai” thing has me confused.  I know it’s a mark of respect, but when do I give it?  Only as a response, or do I start it?  It seems to happen everywhere, even in shops.  Do I reply with a wai there too?  Please help.


Dear Antoinette,

Who initiates the wai and who responds to a wai is actually quite complex, and depends upon the social standing in most cases.  A Thai will generally wai to a foreigner first.  A younger person will wai first to an older person.  A person with a more menial or lower position will wai first to someone in a higher position, like a school teacher for example.  So, in your case, you should respond to a wai, but this is not really necessary in supermarkets and restaurants.  As you are a foreigner, it will not be expected that you wai first.  The height of the wai also has significance, but beyond the scope of this column, but for you, bring the finger tips to touch the nose (your own nose) and that is fine.