Wines after dinner


Dear Hillary,

What do you do about your husband drinking too much? He has a drink after work every day, wine with dinner and then more drinks after dinner at home, or goes down the pub with his mates. This is surely too much? He is not violent or anything, but I just worry that he can’t be doing himself much good with all this drinking. Please don’t suggest I go drinking with him as I do not drink.


Dear Velma,

You’ve got it all wrong, my petal! Asking about what I will do with a husband who drinks. Hillary doesn’t have a husband, so I don’t do anything! I sent the last one packing years ago – but it wasn’t for drinking after dinner either. If you’re worried about hubby’s health, then get him to go for a check-up and go with him yourself. If you’re just worried about what he’s doing while out drinking with his mates, then go with him. Nobody said you have to drink alcohol. All of the pubs that I have a quiet one in also sell orange juice and soft drinks. Honestly, I think you are the one with the problem, my Petal. Time to lighten up and look at your own attitudes, darling.