Monthly Horoscopes for Aquarius
This Month - December
Mars in your sector of relating can see you set firmer boundaries, but don't force this as he rewinds from the 6th. Friendships may sparkle from the New Moon of the 1st, but there could still be some last minute changes of plan. As the svelte Venus joins you on the 7th, and merges with Pluto, this might be a time of true new beginnings. Pluto will not alight in the Water Bearer in our lifetime again. This combination can help you to dazzle, but also attract special admiration and attention. Suddenly you're in vogue. A lot of sexual chemistry from the 10th to the 15th may see your pulse quicken. You might have more than one admirer at the Full Moon midmonth, and a long term plan could speed up. However, your single-mindedness can surprise you later in December.