International Rotarians visit 2 Pattaya charities

Derek Franklin welcomes Rotarians and describes the work done at the Fr. Ray Foundation.
Derek Franklin welcomes Rotarians and describes the work done at the Fr. Ray Foundation.

Rotarians from 10 countries visited the Father Ray Foundation and Human Help Network shelters during a charity trip to Thailand.

Rotary Club Dolphin Pattaya led by Dr. Otmar Deter – Asst. Governor Rotary 3340, and his wife Margaret, a past president of the Rotary Club Dolphin Pattaya greeted the visitors from Australia, Canada, Columbia, El Salvador, Nigeria, Peru, the United States and Zimbabwe Feb. 24 at the HHN’s Child Protection and Development Center.

HHN Director Radchada Chomjinda welcomed the guests and gave them a presentation on the foundation’s management, learning programs, special activities, cultural programs and life lessons.

The guests also were given a tour of the CPDC vegetable gardens and fish pond.

At the Father Ray Foundation, spokesman Derek Franklin welcomed the international group and explained how the charity and its various schools and shelters operate and how they work to improve the quality of life for the disabled.

The international Rotarians collected all the information as part of their consideration of financial support and grants in the future.

HHN Director Radchada Chomjinda welcomes the guests and gives them a presentation on the foundation’s management, learning programs, special activities, cultural programs and life lessons.
HHN Director Radchada Chomjinda welcomes the guests and gives them a presentation on the foundation’s management, learning programs, special activities, cultural programs and life lessons.
Mushrooms are grown to both help with dinner and as a source of income.
Mushrooms are grown to both help with dinner and as a source of income.
Youngsters at the center perform a traditional song and dance for the visitors.
Youngsters at the center perform a traditional song and dance for the visitors.
HHNFT Asst. Director Siromet Akarapongpanitch provides an insightful tour for the Rotarians.
HHNFT Asst. Director Siromet Akarapongpanitch provides an insightful tour for the Rotarians.
Rotarians visit the center where employment opportunities are provided for people with disabilities.
Rotarians visit the center where employment opportunities are provided for people with disabilities.