It was fun!

Chuck Pringle, now living relatively quietly but still working in Chiang Mai.
Chuck Pringle, now living relatively quietly but still working in Chiang Mai.

Five years ago and 5 years before that I wrote a congratulatory piece for the Pattaya Mail on their 15th and 20th anniversaries. Now, five years later, I find little to add.

Yes, it was exciting and challenging to be the first, virgin, untutored editor of the first English Language Newspaper in Pattaya (the Eastern Seaboard) and it remains an achievement of which I am proud.

What I said at that time stands and I don’t wish to repeat it, though the memory of the excitement remains, as does the valuable assistance of the able first team, notably Dan Dorothy, the sports writer and now, deservedly and for many years, the editor, all of whom I remember fondly. My main emotion on recall is IT WAS FUN!

Would I do it again, at my current age of 80? Perhaps not, but I am haunted by the wish that I had the opportunity to try!

May I sincerely, on their 25th anniversary, congratulate Peter Malhotra, Dan Dorothy and all the others on their splendid achievement for not only keeping the paper alive all these many years but turning it one of which anyone can be proud.