Bang Saray, near Pattaya, scheduled for huge marina project

Bang Saray’s fishing-vessel port facilities are about to undergo a titanic shift.

The largely unspoiled town of Bang Saray, situated 20 minutes drive from bustling Pattaya, is famous for its sloping beach, relaxation, calm waters and freshly-caught seafood. Now the government has earmarked the district for a massive marine development project to boost tourist revenues by creating a new harbor for luxury vessels.

Tourists travelling on yachts are believed to have high purchasing power, so the project is in line with the government’s aim to encourage quality tourism, a term more or less synonymous with wealthy vacationers as well as those seeking first class surgery in private sector hospitals. The Transport Ministry has already started collecting analytical data of foreign yachts entering Thai waters.

There are currently four marinas operating in Thailand’s eastern region including the Ocean Marina Yacht Club based in Pattaya. A 700 million baht cruise terminal for both passengers and cargo is scheduled for Pattaya’s Bali Hai district but awaits environmental assessment clearance and funds from the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Marina and cruise liner port projects are all on the government’s development list to boost international tourism.

The permanent secretary for transport, Chayathan Promsorn, said that several stages were necessary prior to construction of the Bang Saray harbor starting. They include environmental impact assessment, beach replenishment proposals, public hearings and participation from funding agencies including the EEC. Criticism of the project will center around the fears that local fishermen could lose their livelihoods and that Bang Saray’s “olde worlde charm” will sink beneath the waves.