Celebrating the life of School for the Blind founder, 1 year later

A bouquet of money.

One of the many events, ceremonies and gatherings that was cancelled due to the coronavirus was the one year anniversary ceremony of the death of Khun Aurora Sribuapan, founder and principal of the Pattaya School for the Blind.

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Hosting the event in August, three months later than the actual anniversary date in May, allowed many more people to attend. Former students arrived from nearby and from across the country. They met former classmates, all now older and wiser, thanks to what the school gave to them, and what Khun Aurora fought for; the opportunity for blind and visually impaired children to be educated to the same level as sighted children.

Even the youngest paid respect.

It was a day of remembering, a day for students, past and current, to come together, and pay their respects. It was also a day for fundraising. The school is having financial difficulties, and this was one event where they knew they could ask for and collect donations. A gold and silver money tree was filled with Baht notes fluttering in the breeze. People arrived with bouquets of money, and sacks of rice. Food stalls were set up to feed everyone, free of charge. The local food sellers wanted to do something for the students, and would it really be a Thai event without food?

In the morning nine monks arrived from a local temple to pray and make merit for Khun Aurora. After lunch Father Peter celebrated a catholic memorial mass which then saw a slow procession to the newly erected statue of Khun Aurora where red roses were laid.

The work that Khun Aurora achieved in her life is not something she would ever have boasted about. Watching her former students return, seeing how they are living their life it is plain to see she achieved much more than we could ever calculate.

Father Peter laid flowers at the statue of Khun Aurora


Money really does grow on trees.

Nine monks arrived to make merit.

Parents came to visit their children.