Christmas season with Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard delivers amazing results

Past Presidents Brian Songhurst (2nd Left) and Carl Dyson (2nd right) join RCES Secretary Khun Joy Keolaphoumy, RCES President Steve Rochester, in presenting 200,000THB with Santa to Khun Toy (AEC/HHN).

A little late in reporting, but we wanted to also report on all that has been done as a result of hosting a great Rotary fund-raising Christmas event, not just the fun we Rotarians and our friends had at the time, but what we did as a result of the funds raised from our guests and sponsors kind support.

As has been tradition for over ten years the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard (RCES) played host once again on 17 December 2022 to the best Rotary Charity Party night in town!

The Siam Bayshore Resort Pattaya, Parkview Ballroom was again ideal for us hosting a fantastic attendance full house of 180 guests. Those attending represented the RCES, and tables hosted by 6 other Rotary Clubs from around Pattaya, Chantaburi and Sattahip, joining us also were numerous supportive members of the Pattaya expat community as well as many local Thai friends and family. Our ‘Guest of Honour’ on the evening was HM Consul, British Embassy to Thailand, Joanne Finnamore-Crorkin along with her husband Colin Crorkin OBE.

Introductions were conducted by MC Michael Todd-White, then RCES Club President Steve Rochester welcomed all, and following a toast to ‘Peace and Absent Friends’, encouraged all to support the evenings Charity raffle cause, Take Care Kids – Our Forever Home (Furnishing) project.

AEC & CDPC Choir Singing to a full house!

Next up (assisted by the free-flow wine) all joined Santa in a sing along of favourite Christmas songs performed by a wonderful children’s choir from the ASEAN Education Centre (AEC) and Child Protection & Development Centre (CPDC), who all received a RCES Christmas gift bag.

President Steve, Santa and RCES Members were then proud to present to the ASEAN Education Centre (AEC) the gift of 200,000THB as a bonus, in marking the end of an eight year project where  RCES has consistently committed and delivered significant support to AEC every quarter. Radchada Chomjinda (KhunToy) Director of the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand expressed her extreme gratitude to all that has been done by RCES and others in support of the AEC over the years. It is now a superb purpose built centre, an amazing place full of love and learning that now thrives now under the Human Help Network Foundation, from what was once no more than a hut and place of shelter for migrant workers children.

Following a sumptuous Christmas buffet by Executive Chef Khun Tawat and the Siam Bayshore team, all were then easily encouraged to dance off the calories with a fantastic performance of two sessions by our RCES Member and celebrity singer, Kelly Ford and her Band, who had flown in especially in between performances in Phuket for our occasion.

Amongst many visiting Rotarians , RCES president Steve Rochester greets Past Assistant District Governor Khun Maneeya Engelking (left) and President Khun (Ava) Saowanee Thongkum of RC Pattaya Marina.

The highlight of the evening was of course an amazing Charity raffle led by RCES Members Kim Waddoup, Martin Cooke and their Santa’s elves. Over 150,000THB value of kindly donated and sponsored prizes were on offer from many local hotels and venues. With around 30 guests winning fabulous prizes, this resulted in an amazing 117,000THB being raised by the Club for the nominated Take Care Kids Charity. Thank you everyone for all your support.

RCES President and Members send their sincerest thanks to all of our kind prize sponsors, guests and supporters that made our tremendous fund-raising effort possible, all have since received Rotary thank you certificates for their premises.

Throughout December and into the early New Year RCES ‘Santa’ (a close personal friend of Rodney Charman) and Rotarians then packed and delivered well over 500 gift bags to the children’s homes and charities of Pattaya. This was achieved with the kind sponsorship of British Chamber of Commerce Thailand, and further fundraising at local International schools events for our Rotary Christmas gift bags by Martin Cooke, Khun Suree and team.

The essential RCES Party team line up pic.

At their first January 2023 Club meeting RCES were then extremely pleased to invite Gio from ‘Take Care Kids’ to receive a cheque for 217,000 Baht! From the Rotary Christmas party for 117,000 THB, topped up by a further 100,000THB made in separate personal donations. This has already been spent toward the furnishing target for their new build home for 40 vulnerable mothers and children. RCES continues our drive to support this local project amongst our many others.

Amazing job Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard and thank you to all our supporting fellow Rotarian Clubs, Masonic Lodge, other groups and friends that attended and helped us make wonderful things happen.

Yes we love a Rotary party…… but most of all the resulting smiles of those we are then able to support are superb!

Rotary Assistant District Governor Dr Olivier Meyer, enjoys the RCES Christmas party with fellow Rotarians.

Many Fellow Rotarians and the Pattaya Mail team joined President (Pim) Chanunda Kongphol and RC Dolphin to support the festivities and fundraising…….thank you all!
A warm welcome and thanks as always from the kids at AEC for President Steve and Past President Martin (right).

A big thanks from the TCK when Gio got back to their current temporary home.
Santa and the team visit ASEAN Education Centre with RCES Christmas bags.

RCES Past President Martin Cooke (right) leads the cheers with Rotarian friends in bringing Christmas gifts and food supplies to ‘Kate’s Project’.
A typical RCES shopping day! Then this time back to Rodney’s to have a typical Rotarian social while filling the Christmas gift bags.

Santa surrounded by happy children at ‘Kate’s Project’ after receiving their Christmas bags.