Father Ray Foundation hosts Child Protection Seminar

Chanjira Thaibundit, Chonburi's Chief of Social Development & Welfare.
Chanjira Thaibundit, Chonburi’s Chief of Social Development & Welfare.

The Father Ray Foundation recently hosted a child protection seminar, inviting several speakers, experts in their field. Ninety-nine managers, teachers, carers and staff from several government agencies and non-government charities attended.

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Delegates arrived from the Father Ray Children’s Village, Human Help Network, Pattaya School for the Blind, Baan Jing Kai, Father Ray School for Children with Special Needs, Fountain of Life Children’s Center, Take Care Kids, Social Work Dept. at Pattaya City Hall and staff from Child Protection Departments in Pattaya and Chonburi governments attended.

Pimnapat Chanchamroen, Deputy Public Prosecutor of Chonburi.
Pimnapat Chanchamroen, Deputy Public Prosecutor of Chonburi.

Speakers included Chanjira Thaibundit, Director of Social Development & Welfare in Chonburi, and Pimnapat Chanchamroen, Deputy Provincial Chief Public Prosecutor. A third speaker, Radchadapon Sriwilai, came from the Adolescent Psychology Department at Banglamung Hospital.

When abuse against a child takes place, whether it is physical, emotional or sexual, the child is unable to stop it. Adults can. Adults can stop abuse happening and adults can take action to protect children.

For the protection of children there needs to be resources available to teach adults what they can do when they hear of, or witness abuse taking place. If you see something, do something.