Foreign tourists to Pattaya get special price for Covid-19 testing

Kachondej Apichattrakul, Director of TAT, Pattaya Branch has determined that the fees for Covid-19 testing will be set at 1600 baht.

Pattaya-area hotels have agreed on lower prices for coronavirus testing required under Thailand’s reopening plan for fully vaccinated foreign tourists.

Tourism Authority of Thailand Pattaya office Director Kachondej Apichattrakul said the standard price to be charged by alternative quarantine and SHA Plus-certified hotels for RT-PCR tests should be 1,600 baht.

That is about 1,000 baht less than charged by “affordable” private clinics in Bangkok and considerably less than was charged for travelers in the Phuket “sandbox”, which had to pay 8,000 baht for three tests.

Under the reopening plan, arriving tourists also must purchase an antigen test kit and perform a self-test on Day 6 or 7, or if they start exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms.

Those kits will cost 200 baht and 400 baht for “professional” kits administered by a medical staffer. While those prices are a benchmark, there is nothing to stop hotels from charging more, or less.

Self-test kits will cost 200 baht each or 400 baht for professional kits administered by a medical officer.