Independence Day is an American holiday that has meaning for all

Stephen Pullum gave a very stirring presentation to the PCEC about why the USA’s Declaration of Independence should be celebrated by not only Americans, but by all freedom loving people no matter what country they live in.

Stephen Pullum gave a stirring presentation at the Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC) meeting on 6 July 2022. His talk was not just about the Independence Day celebration by the USA, but also about how it has a meaning for the rest of the world. His topic was entitled “The Prayers of the Free, and the Hopes of the Brave”.

Stephen retired from the US Air Force after 27 years of service. He is a recipient of number awards and decoration from 3 separate branches of the United States military having served from the Cold War to the Global War on Terror. After arriving in Pattaya, Stephen became very active in the following Pattaya organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9876 (Post Officer), American Legion Post TH02, and Lion Toastmasters Club (Distinguished Toastmaster). Stephen also serves in the Honor Guard for both VFW and American Legion Post.

First, he talked about the events on July 4th, 1776 which founded a nation unlike any other that had ever existed in history. It was a birth born in sacrifice, hopes, prayers, dreams, ideas and faith. He cited the following from the Declaration of Independence with obvious great feeling: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

MC Ren Lexander presents the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation to Stephen Pullum after his heartfelt presentation on what Independence day should really mean to us all.

He then proceeded to note that although celebrated in the USA, it should also be celebrated by every free nation on the planet because its meaning applies to all that seek freedom. Further, the USA has sent its young men and women to shed blood on foreign soil for the cause of freedom.

He then spoke about those who were willing or did give the “ultimate sacrifice” for future generations they would never see. He interspersed various events in American history with photos and video as the basis for his belief that Independence Day applies to all, not just those in the USA.

He also spoke about the consequences of these sacrifices, especially for American Veterans that have suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – a condition he also suffers. He mentioned that such trauma is not restricted to veterans, but is suffered by others that have experienced trauma such as abused children. He feels that those suffering from PTSD should get more attention and effort which is one reason he has joined many veteran organizations to help other vets. Stephen recommended that one read the book “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” to get a better understanding PTSD.

Member Ren Lexander conducts a post presentation interview with Stephen Pullum about his talk, especially about the impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on veterans and others. To view the video, visit the PCEC’s YouTube channel at:

Upon conclusion of the presentations, MC Ren Lexander brought everyone up to date on the latest events. This was followed by George Wilson conducting the Open Forum where attendees can make comments or ask questions about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya. For more information about the PCEC, visit their website at To view Stephen Pullum’s presentation on the PCEC’s YouTube channel, visit: