Pattaya bar owner questions continuing closure

Jothani Duanjantuek, owner of the Area 51 bar says that the government broke their promise to ‘seriously consider’ opening the bars on Dec 1.

Tired of signing petitions and protesting, a Pattaya bar owner has put up a sign with a lingering question for the government: “The country is open, Why not open the F* bars? You broke your promise”.

Jothani Duanjantuek, owner of the Area 51 bar, had believed that the government’s pledge to “consider” reopening bars on Dec. 1 was a hard promise and was disappointed when the reopening date was set for Jan. 16.

A huge banner in front of the Area 51 bar expresses the sentiments of every bar owner in Pattaya, “The country is open, Why not open the F* bars? You broke your promise”.

Soi Buakhao bar owners have sent letters and petitions to get the government to change its collective mind and rallied in person, to no avail. So now she simply put up a sign to constantly let officials know Pattaya beer bars are ready to open and willingly comply with disease-control measures.


Empty bars stools in a deserted Pattaya beer bar, serving no beer to no customers.

Sign of the times.