Pattaya City Expats Club: Meditation to relieve stress and burnout

Dr. Nena Nimit guides her PCEC audience through some practical exercises about how to use mindfulness and meditation to relieve stress and burnout.

The benefits of Meditation to deal with stress and burnout was the topic at the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on Wednesday, November 30. The guest speaker, Dr. Nena Nimit, M.D., has been meditating for over 15 years. In addition to being a child psychologist.

Dr. Nimit underwent a 3-month residential training and is a certified Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer. She helped to co-found and volunteer at a non-profit organization, the Meditation Center of Alabama, for over 10 years as well as helping to co-found the University of South Alabama Meditation and Mindfulness Club. She is also a Life Coach with the iRetreat group.

Dr. Nena began by explaining how she became more interested in meditation. During her undergraduate studies, she did not really know what she wanted to pursue. She became friends with those that were not a good influence. Her mother, who practiced meditation a little each day, encouraged her to go to Thailand and learn how it could help. She did, it did, and when she returned, she was more motivated in pursuing a degree in medicine which she obtained in the field of child psychology. Through this experience, she learned firsthand what meditation can do to help deal with stress and burnout.

Dr. Nena Nimit invites everyone to attend a more comprehensive presentation “Doing What Matters in Times of Stress”. As a life coach for iTreat, she will be participating in this free Pattaya Road Show. There is a session on December 18, 2022 and a repeat on January 8, 2023.

Dr. Nena described three levels one may be in; Calm (a state of tranquility), Eustress (healthful, stimulating kind and level of stress), or Distress (strain, anxiety). She noted that distress is brought on by over engagement, while burnout is characterized by under engagement. When you are stressed, your emotions are overactive, but when you are burned out, they are blunt. Stress creates hyperactivity, but burnout leaves the individual feeling helpless and hopeless. Burnout is a loss of motivation and ideals.

Her talk focused on how meditation and mindfulness can be beneficial. She noted that mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. To accomplish the reducing of stress, you need to understand how the brain works. You can train your mind to be more calm, clear away mental chatter, and see more clearly. Every problem in your life has a solution. You need to step back, do not focus solely on the problem.

Dr. Nena Nimit listens before answering a question from her PCEC audience about her presentation on using mindfulness and meditation to overcome stress and burnout.

To illustrate the benefits, Dr Nena, offered a guided practice for the audience to follow. Doing this for 5 minutes at the beginning and end of the day can be very helpful to reduce/remove stress from your life. She first suggested stretching, finding a comfortable position, and then letting your mind relax, clear the cares and worries from your mind which may take repetition – relax, clear, relax, clear – until you mind is clear and free.

In conclusion, Dr Nena invited everyone to attend iRetreat’s Road Show “Doing What Matters in Times of Stress”. It is free and will be held at on two dates at Pattaya’s Siam @ Siam Hotel from 9am to 11:30am. More information is available at

For more information about the PCEC, visit their website at Dr Nena’s presentation, is available on the PCEC’s YouTube channel at: The guided practice begins at about the 26 minute mark.

MC Ren Lexander presents the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Nena Nimit for her presentation, especially for providing practical guidance in how to use mindfulness and meditation to relieve stress and burnout.

Member Ren Lexander interviews Dr. Nena Nimit after her presentation to the PCEC. To view a video, visit the PCEC’s YouTube Channel at: Interview

MC Ren Lexander and Dr. Nena Nimit pose with Nikki and Alex who are coordinating the upcoming iTreat Pattaya Road Show. For more information or reserving a slot, you can contact Alex at 084-207-3103 or Nikki at 090-938-7951.