The Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC) welcomed back Shalini Yamdagni for a follow up a year after her previous presentation on “Your pain is speaking…are you listening?” In that presentation, she focused on chronic physical pain. Her follow up topic was: “The Power of Emotional Healing: Tap into the Potential Within” focusing more on emotional healing.
Shalini is an international expert in pain relief and the author of the popular book “Instant Pain Relief: A Simple and Effective Approach for Healing Chronic Pain” as well as several videos on the subject at her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@EFTwithShalini/videos.
What is emotional healing she asked and then answered that it is the process of acknowledging, accepting, and processing painful life experiences (painful thoughts, memories, emotions) so that they do not interfere with your everyday life. Anger, shame, and guilt are the most common cause of emotional pain.
Shalini mentioned four steps in emotional healing. First is awareness. One is certainly aware of physical pain, but needs to recognize that its cause can be the result emotional pain. Something that happens in one’s past which much later manifests itself as physical pain. The second step is to acknowledge the emotional pain. She then described many signs of emotional pain and the cost of not acknowledging it.

The third step is to address the emotional pain. This can be done by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) which is a form of acupuncture without the use of needles. It is also called “tapping” as one taps on certain parts of the body. She presented a chart that showed the 9 parts of the body to “tap.” This was followed with a demonstration on how to use the tapping technique.
The fourth step is to allow the tapping to work for you. Shalini described the various benefits of tapping to heal emotional pain. It allows you to feel light and free, to be calm and clear, have confidence in yourself and gives you a positive feeling of self-worth.
MC Ren Lexander called on George Wilson to conduct the Open Forum where the audience can ask questions or make comments about expat living in Thailand. To view the presentation by Shalini visit the PCEC’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRdju4itJUg. To read a summary of Shalini’s previous presentation, visit https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/your-pain-is-speakingare-you-listening-at-pattaya-city-expats-club-401827. To learn more about the PCEC and their activities, visit https://pcec.club/.