Pattaya cloudy with widespread thundershowers, high waves warned for islands trips July 3-6

Fairly widespread thundershowers and isolated heavy to very heavy rains in NakhonNayok, Prachinburi, Chonburi (Pattaya), Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat.

Weather Forecast for Pattaya and Eastern Region

Fairly widespread thundershowers and isolated heavy to very heavy rains in NakhonNayok, Prachinburi, Chonburi (Pattaya), Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat.Minimum temperature 24-28 °C.Maximum temperature 29-35 °C. Southwesterly winds 20-35 km/hr. Wave height about 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers.

During 3-6 July, southwesterly wind 20-35 Km/hr. Wave height about 2 meters and above 2 meters offshore.

During 7-9 July, southwesterly winds 15-35 km/hr. Wave height 1 – 2 meters and about 2 meters in thundershowers. Minimum temperature 23-28 °C.Maximum temperature 30-36 °C.

Wave height about 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers.

7 days Weather Forecast.

4 Weeks Weather Forecast.