Pattaya community opens health center

Saiying Muangthong, director of Arunothai Community’s new health center, leads her friends in aerobic exercise.

Group sports and dance are the focus of the Arunothai Community’s new health center, which opened Friday in central Pattaya.

Health center Director Saiying Muangthong and her deputies led the Feb. 5 grand opening, inviting neighbors to join in sports, aerobics and social dancing.

Saiying said people should warm up slowly for exercise they may not be used to by walking and stretching.

Whether aerobics or just simple line dancing, exercise will strengthen muscles, build endurance and promote good sleep. Free exercise classes will be held Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 5-6 p.m.

We are the Arunothai team who likes being healthy.