Pattaya empowers students to prevent and combat human trafficking

A Department of Special Investigation official gives students an insight on various aspects of human trafficking and child-friendly justice procedures designed to support victims.

Pattaya, Thailand – In a significant step to combat human trafficking and safeguard the city’s youth, Pattaya’s Deputy Permanent-Secretary, Siwat Boonkerd, presided over the kickoff event of the “Human Trafficking Prevention for Students” project on September 5. This event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including city council members, government representatives, and the international non-profit organization, the A21 Foundation.

The A21 Foundation, renowned for its global efforts to eradicate human trafficking, partnered with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, the Office of Anti-Human Trafficking Cases, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division, and the city of Pattaya to launch this vital initiative. The primary objective of the project was to educate students about the perils of human trafficking, equipping them with knowledge and resources for effective self-protection.

Notable speakers from the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division, the Office of Anti-Human Trafficking Cases, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and the A21 Foundation delivered insightful talks covering various aspects of human trafficking. These included defining the issue, highlighting its various forms, presenting eye-opening statistics, and explaining child-friendly justice procedures designed to support victims.

A key focus of the project is to empower student leaders who underwent the training to share this vital knowledge with their peers. By doing so, organizers aim to create a ripple effect, raising awareness and promoting self-protection against human trafficking not only within the student community but also beyond its borders.

Students are made aware of the perils of human trafficking with eye-opening statistics, highlighting its various forms, raising awareness and promoting self-protection.
