Pattaya haunted by ghosts of Halloweens past

This pretty bunny isn’t afraid to enter a cage full of zombies and dead bodies.

Pattaya’s streets were ghostly quiet on Halloween with the only tricks and treats to be had being offered in shopping malls.
Stores and restaurants around the city were decorated for the Oct. 31 holiday, but there were no tourists in those haunts.

Some of Pattaya’s Thai residents and scattered expats dressed up and went to Ripley’s Believe It or Not! in Royal Garden Plaza.
The biggest day of the year at Ripley’s, Halloween featured a parade of ghosts and families milling about for photos in full costume, as all the attractions rides are still closed by public health order.

Ripley’s did sell discounted advance tickets for when things do reopen at just 599 baht.

The spirit of Halloween was alive and well at Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Children love having their picture taken while standing in a coffin next to Morticia.