Pattaya City and East Thailand Weather Forecast
Hot isolated thunderstorms with gusty wind and hail mostly in Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Chachoengsao, Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat. Minimum temperature 27-29 °C. Maximum temperature 34-39 °C. Southeasterly winds 10-30 km/hr. Wave below 1 meter and about 1 meter in thundershowers areas.
During 10 – 13 May, hot to very hot. Scattered thunderstorms with gusty wind and hails. Minimum temperature 25-29 °C. Maximum temperature 35-40°C. During 14 – 16 May, hot during the day. Isolated thunderstorms with gusty. Minimum temperature 24-28 °C. Maximum temperature 34-38°C. Southeasterly wind 10-30 km/hr. Wave below 1 meter and about 1 meter in thunderstorm areas.
Weather Warning
From 10-13 May, the high-pressure system from China will extend to upper Thailand and the South China Sea. The southerly and the southeasterly wind prevails over the upper country where hot to very hot weather occurs. Outbreaks of summer storms will be forecast for upper Thailand, accompanying with thunderstorms, lighting strikes and gusty winds. Hail is possible for some areas of the North, the Northeast, the East, and the Central regions. People in upper Thailand should stay safe from the severe weather conditions by keeping off outdoor places, large trees and unsecured buildings.
(Thai Meteorological Department – tmd.go.th)