Pattaya officials believe they have figured out the cure to the city’s current tourism woes: Bigger dolphins.
With its population dwindling and those who are left resorting to waiting hours in the hot sun for free food handouts amid a sea of closed bars and other businesses, officials said what’s really needed are four-meter-tall dolphin sculptures to replace smaller versions at the North Pattaya Dolphin Roundabout.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai Feb. 10 bemoaned his belief that people don’t know the traffic circle is called the Dolphin Roundabout because they don’t see the current dolphin statutes, which are only 1.5 meters tall. They’ll never miss four-meter porpoises, he said.
In addition to the money the city will spend on the bigger sculptures, it also must pay contractors to reinforce and add larger mounting structures.

Anyone who thinks the city’s spending priorities are in the wrong place will get a chance to object before the city writes the checks, Manote said, saying the city will hold a public hearing once the new sculpture design is completed.