Pattaya pork chef cooks up massive hit

Usa Janhong cooks as fast as she possibly can to serve the long line of customers waiting to buy her delicious fried sun-dried pork and sour pork near Differ pub on Phetrakul Road.

A pork seller has hit on a recipe Pattaya can’t get enough of.
Usa Janhong, 57, has been cooking up fried sun-dried pork and sour pork for five years, but, for reasons unknown, her Phetrakul Road food cart has become a massive sensation.

People start lining up near the Differ pub at 6 a.m. even though ‘Ya Lung Lay Ya Liew Lung’ (Don’t hesitate, don’t look back) doesn’t open until 7 a.m. Each day she prepares 40 kilograms of the sun-dried pork and 100 pieces of the sour, pickled pork, but it sells out in an hour.

Usa (Mae Toom) said she has no plans to increase production due to health issues.
She used to take reservations, but has stopped now as her walk-up customers were always disappointed. So it’s now first come, first served.

Customer Anna Phonsawai said she arrived too late March 27 to get any sun-dried pork but did snag some pickled pork. She said it’s delicious and inexpensive.

Usa sells the sun-dried pork dish for 40 baht and the pickled pork for 30 baht, with rice at 10 baht and chilies at 5 baht.

Customer waiting to buy a portion of Usa’s mouth-watering fried pork line up in front of her shop as early as 6 a.m.

Anna Phonsawai said she arrived too late to get any sun-dried pork but did snag some pickled pork. She said it’s delicious and inexpensive.