Pattaya schools prepare for Feb. 1 reopening

Pattaya schools sanitized classrooms and refilled hand-sanitizer bottles in preparations for reopening Feb. 1.

Pattaya schools sanitized classrooms and refilled hand-sanitizer bottles in preparations for reopening Feb. 1.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai visited several city schools Jan. 29 to inspect safety preparations being put in place. Employees cleaned surfaces, sprayed disinfectant, and spaced desks to allow for proper social distancing.

Manote said students will be checked for fevers and any with temperatures above 37 degrees Celsius will be removed from school. Parents of students transferring in from high-risk provinces also must notify school authorities.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai visited several city schools Jan. 29 to inspect safety preparations being put in place.

Teachers, students and staff all must wear masks, kids must carry their own hand sanitizer and group activities are prohibited. Social distancing also will require staggered shifts for lunch and recess.

Teachers, students and staff all must wear masks, kids must carry their own hand sanitizer and group activities are prohibited.

Health officials spray and clean every corner and every room to ensure the highest safety for the kids.

The spraying starts from the schools’ outside gate.

Employees cleaned surfaces, sprayed disinfectant, and spaced desks in every room to allow for proper social distancing.