Pattaya Sports Club distributes food to the needy in Pong communities

President Stanley Rees and Pong Municipality Mayor Anucha Pianjai hand out survival bags containing dried food and amenities.

On Friday September 3, the Pattaya Sports Club held a very successful charity food handout to 400 Thai families.

Pattaya Sports Club President Stanley Rees together with Noi Emmerson, Charity Chairperson and many members of the club were on hand to assist with the handout. Mayor Anucha Pianjai and staff of Pong Municipality helped to organise the humanitarian mission at the Pong Municipality all-purpose hall.

400 relief parcels each containing 4 packets of dried noodles, 3 tins of fish, 2kgs of rice, 1 bottle of cooking oil, 1 bottle of fish sauce and 2 bottles of water were handed out to the needy people.

President Stanley said, “I thank our members, families and friends for your kind donations without which, it would not have been possible to buy the food for distribution to the poor.

President Stanley Rees, Pong Mayor Anucha Pianjai and Noi Emmerson, Charity Chair, survival bags in hand ready for the distribution to commence.

“I also wish to thank the lovely ladies in the PSC office and other volunteers who worked tirelessly packing the food parcels in preparation for distribution.

“We extend our special heartfelt thanks to Mayor Anucha Pianjai and staff of Pong Municipality for their invaluable help and assistance.

“We are also grateful to the staff of St. Andrew’s International School who were on hand to assist with the food handout”

Past President Tim Knight was on hand to help with distributing food bags to the Pong residents.

Everyone had to wear face masks and have their body temperatures checked.
The lovely ladies of the PSC who worked very hard for this humanitarian project.

The lovely ladies of the PSC who worked very hard for this humanitarian project.

Teachers and students of the St Andrew’s International School who dedicated their time and energy to help distribute food to the less fortunate.

A volunteer from St Andrew’s International School seems thrilled to help bring relief and happiness to the Pong community.

Grandpa Bernie Tuppin always ready to help PSC support local charities in our community.