Pattaya Sports Club, Kull Bar and friends distribute care packages to the needy

A bed-ridden woman is elated to see the PSC-Kull Bar volunteers visit her humble home to give her food and necessities.

On Sunday May 24, the Pattaya Sports Club was pleased to join with the Kull bar and three of their friends, who are also PSC members, in a distribution of 738 food parcels. Thank you David (Acco) Atkinson, Mark Walters and Steve Farquhar for your generosity.

A convoy of four vehicles led by Steve Plant, PSC social chairman Stan Rees, photographer Tony Prowse and myself left the Kull Bar to distribute 100 meals to needy Thai families on the dark side who were unable to attend the afternoon’s distribution at the bar.

A volunteer respectfully gives an elderly woman her care package.

Each parcel contained 2 kg rice, 5 eggs, 3 packets of noodles, 1 can of fish, 1 bottle of water and 1 small bottle of cooking oil. With Noodle Russell as our guide, we had no trouble finding 100 needy families in only two hours. Thank you Noodle for your help and knowledge of needy families on the dark side.

VP Tim Knight and David (Acco) Atkinson with the lovely volunteers of Kull Bar.

Back to the Kull Bar in the afternoon to assist Acco, Mark, Khun Ta and her staff to hand out a further 638 parcels to people who had been queuing for many hours. Ta, her staff and a few helpers packed 800kg rice, 3700 eggs, 2200 packets of noodles, 738 tins of fish, 738 bottles of water and 738 bottles of cooking oil into 738 individual parcels. A fantastic voluntary effort that took over 8 hours.

The Pattaya Sports Club is proud to be associated with Ta and the Kull Bar in their efforts to help the needy Thai people on the dark side.

Stan Rees and Noddle Russel pose for a photo after giving care packages to this household.
A severely handicapped elderly gentleman thanks the generous people for their kindness.
An elderly lady waits patiently for her care package.
City officials and police kept order while the food was handed out.

This little boy holds on to his little packet of sweets as his mother receives a care package from a Noodle Russel.
Women, children and babies lined up to get their care package.
The PSC pickup trucks ready to leave for the rural villages to distribute food to those who could not travel to the Kull Bar.