Pattaya to benefit from ‘Let’s Go Halves’ extension

Residents and business owners will both benefit from the boost in tourism the extension of the government’s “Let’s Go Halves” co-payment scheme would bring.

Pattaya residents and business owners will both benefit from the extension of the government’s “Let’s Go Halves” co-payment scheme.

Employees at bars and massage shops on Soi Chaiyapoon are delighted that the government extended the co-payment plan, as well as the “We Travel Together” subsidized-tourism program and state welfare card benefits.

They said it would attract more Thai tourists to spend money in Pattaya over the next three months.

The Cabinet this week approved 1,200-baht handouts to people through the fourth phase of the “Let’s Go Halves” co-payment scheme.

Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said the Cabinet endorsed a 34.8-billion-baht budget for the fourth phase of the cost-of-living subsidy scheme that would be implemented for three months from Feb 1 to April 30.

Sua Oon, a motorbike taxi rider in Soi Buakhao, said he is looking forward to using the “Let’s Go Haves” campaign to save expenses.

Beneficiaries from the scheme’s third phase could confirm their participation in the fourth phase through the Pao Tang app from Feb 1.

Other people can register for the handouts via www.คนละครึ่ง.com from Feb. 10. More than a million rights are available for them and new registrants can spend the subsidy from Feb. 17 onwards.

Each recipient will obtain 1,200 baht from the government for spending on food, beverages, common goods, spa, hairdressing, manicure and public transport. The subsidy will cover 50% of prices and its spending by each recipient will be capped at 150 baht per day as earlier imposed.

Local markets expect a sales boost from the “Let’s Go Halves” co-payment scheme.