Pattaya Vegetarian Festival fully returns for 1st time since 2019

Banlue Kullavanijaya, Chairman of the Pattaya City council leads the procession to symbolically install the revered “Nine Emperor Gods” and Bodhisattva at the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation Shrine.

The Pattaya Vegetarian Festival is back in full form for the first time since 2019.
City Council Chairman Banlue Kullavanijaya was on hand for the Sept. 25 “Nine Emperor Gods Festival” where the Bodhisattva was symbolically invited to reside at the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation festival grounds.

Sawang Boriboon President Wisit Chaowalitnititham installed Seng Thi Ti (the heaven and earth god) and deity latent to the top of the pole at the front of the foundation. This is the tradition to enter to Vegetarian Festival for prosperity and is considered as the official starting of Pattaya Vegetarian Festival.

Vegetarian foods were served to the faithful who didn’t want to harm or kill animals during this festival. There were many booths this year, resuming the tradition that was halted during the coronavirus pandemic.

An Incense Procession will be held every evening during the Vegetarian Festival along with many related ceremonies. Sept. 29 at 13.39 hrs. animals’ lives will be spared and released to rid the people of bad luck. On Oct. 1, at 19.19 hrs., the Grand Incense procession. Oct. 2, the Loy Krathong ceremony. Oct. 4, the Ting Krajad ceremony to distribute food to the people and on Oct. 5, to bid farewell to the “Nine Emperor Gods” and the Bodhisattva bringing the Vegetarian Festival to a close.

Hundreds of booths were set up in and around the grounds of the Sawang Boriboon Foundation in Naklua selling a variety of vegetarian food.

Leaders of the Chinese community in Naklua bless residents and business owners as they paraded through the neighborhood.