Pattaya Walking Street bars inspected for safety and fire exits

Pisit Sirisawaddinukul Banglamung District’s new chief accompanied by Pattaya-area police inspected Walking Street businesses for their safety measures and working fire exits.

Banglamung District’s new chief brought Pattaya-area police to inspect Walking Street businesses.
Pisit Sirisawaddinukul, appointed Oct. 1, was joined by Tourist and Pattaya police officers for the Dec. 7 evening check on go-go bars, nightclubs and restaurants.

Pisit said the inspection was necessary because it’s close to the New Year holiday and Pattaya will see its greatest number of tourists in years.

Buildings were checked for safety measures and working fire exits. Staff were instructed to not abuse customers or take advantage of them.

Bars also were warned to closely check the age of those entering to ensure no one was under age 20 and to comply with legal closing times.

Walking Street business owners welcome the new Banglamung District chief and thank him for his concern for their safety and wellbeing.