Pattaya Walking Street to implement new rules & regulations

Deputy Pattaya mayor Manote Nongyai invited Walking Street businesses operators to a meeting at city hall to discuss the drafting of a new set of rules and regulations.

Deputy Pattaya mayor Manote Nongyai invited Walking Street businesses operators led by Naris Petcharat to a meeting at city hall to discuss the drafting of a new set of rules and regulations to help the community keep peace and order so that business and the way of life can go forward for the benefit of all concerned.

Points discussed included:

  1. All vehicles are forbidden to enter Walking Street from 19.00 hrs. until 05.00 hrs. the next morning. Vehicles with 6 wheels or more are forbidden to enter Walking Street unless they are official government trucks on official business such as emergencies or have special permits.
  2. It is forbidden to place any objects on the road surface or in front of the premises without first getting permission.
  3. It is forbidden to extend or expand any structure such as stairs or walkways on public land.
  4. It is forbidden for vendors to set up stalls on Walking Street or in a soi (side street) off Walking Street unless the area has been allocated for special events by the authorities.
  5. It is forbidden to litter on the street and also forbidden to place garbage on the street unless during specified times. Garbage can be place for collection no longer than 30 minutes before the scheduled garbage tucks arrive to collect them from in front of the premises. The schedule times will be at 00.00 hrs. (midnight), 03.00 hrs. and at 04.00 hrs. Violators will be fined 20,000 baht.
  6. Business operators are responsible to ensure the safety of their premises against fire with adequate fire exits and must conduct regular inspections to ensure the security and safety of the public.

The participants also discussed vehicle parking on Walking Street. It was suggested that parking be divided into odd days and even days for both sides of the road. Double parking is strictly prohibited. The delegates were divided in that some of them wanted to allow parking on both sides of the street. Pattaya City will take the suggestions into consideration before making a final decision.

It was also suggested that sign boards of the shops be affixed flat onto their buildings and not allowed to jut out onto the street. More discussions on this point will be held.
Regarding motorcycle taxis, it was suggested that during the walking street hours the motorbike stands must move from the top of the soi nearest to Walking Street to the end of the soi nearest to the parallel road.

The meeting decided to meet again to iron out the differences before the final decision is made for the rules and regulations to be implemented on Oct.1, 2022.

Participants discussed parking and shop signage regulations including garbage collection hours in Walking Street.


Another meeting will be held to iron out the differences before the final decision is made and the new rules and regulations for Walking Street are implemented on Oct.1, 2022.