Pattaya Writing Group enjoys the act of writing creatively

The Pattaya Writing Group is a friendly bunch of English-speaking expats who meet regularly to share the fun of writing creatively.

The Pattaya Writing Group is a friendly bunch of English-speaking expats who meet regularly to share the fun of writing creatively: poems, stories, autobiography, reportage, comedy sketches – whatever. We take it in turns to host meetings in our own homes, and the host provides a prompt, which might be a picture, an object, a line taken at random out of a book or simply an idea. We write for 20-30 minutes without stopping to think too hard about it, and then read our work to the group. Group-members give positive feedback, and if time allows another prompt is given, we write a second, different piece and share that too. After the meeting we relax with drinks, snacks and chit-chat.

The aim of the group is to enjoy using language and to entertain and engage others. No instruction is given, work isn’t marked or assessed. Members are instead encouraged to free up their imagination and follow wherever it takes them. The number one aim is to enjoy the act of writing. Feedback later can help people to hone their skills.

People mostly keep their drafts, maybe to return to them to develop a good idea further, or to re-use an inspired phrase or line. Some members, however, are working steadily at putting together a collection or writing a full-length book, and sections of these can also be shared, either in the meetings or informally between them.

Christopher Elliott signs copies of his newly published book “Next”.

Most of us are retirees settled in Thailand, and from a variety of backgrounds, but there are no upper or lower age limits and members come and go according to commitments here and abroad.

When Covid-19 struck in 2020 the group adapted to meeting on Zoom, which led to a different way of working: the prompt would be announced a week early, members (scattered over three continents) would write their piece in their own time and email it to others to read before the next meeting. This has led to people writing longer, more inventive pieces, and we are hoping to be able to continue with this alongside the return to face-to-face meetings.

A couple of members have gone on to self-publish their work, and this month special congratulations go to Christopher Elliott whose second collection of his writing group pieces, Next, has just been published. Signed copies are available on request from the author (, or you can purchase a copy from Amazon and the usual outlets.

New members are always welcome. For further information about the Pattaya Writing Group, contact John (

Friends take turns to host meetings in their homes, after which they relax with drinks, snacks and chit-chat.

The passionate authors write for 20-30 minutes without stopping to think too hard about it, and then read their work to the group.