Pattaya’s Koh Larn reopens June 14

Pattaya’s tourist island has once again opened to tourists, although it remains to be seen whether any tourists are able to go.

Koh Larn will reopen to tourists June 14 after sealing itself off from the world for more than two months out of coronavirus fears.

Ferries and speedboats will resume trips to the Front and Tawan Beach piers, bringing much-needed revenue to the Pattaya tourist island.

A small majority of the 900 families opted to shut themselves off for the third time on April 4, when all tourists had to leave.

Originally planned to last only until May 20, the closure lasted far longer due to the severity of Thailand’s third coronavirus wave.

Ta Wan Beach from a bird’s eye view – Koh Larn will reopen to tourists Monday, June 14, after sealing itself off from the world for more than two months.

Clean, clear ocean water and sandy beaches once again beckon folks dreaming of getting away from their daily hustle and bustle for a while.
Now could be the best time to visit Samae Beach before mass tourism arrives again.

Luang Phu Tuat on Khao Yai Yarnwarodomwararam invites religious pilgrims and curious visitors to the top of the hill.