Pattaya’s Naklua Walk & Eat Festival returns Dec. 10

The colourul Naklua Walk & Eat Festival will run from Dec. 10 to Jan. 29 in Naklua Old Town.

December will see the launch of the annual Naklua Walk & Eat and the return of the Wonderfruit festival.

Pattaya Mayor Poramet Ngampichet said Nov. 30 that the Naklua walking street would run weekends from Dec. 10 to Jan. 29 in Naklua Old Town and help promote the community’s seafood and entertainment activities. Tourists can see, shop, eat and share in activities.

Pattaya has been busily renovating parks and markets with plans to have them complete by January, but one thing that won’t be done is the bird-watching walkway linking the Lan Po Market and Long bridges.

Pattaya still must get agreement from more than a dozen property owners to sell their land. No construction on the elevated walkway will begin until that is done, the Marine Department has said.

Making its full return after the coronavirus pandemic, Wonderfruit will be held Dec. 15-18 at The Fields at Siam Country Club. Wonderfuit is an annual gathering that explores wonder through art, culture, music, and nature.

Poramet said 25,000 tickets already have been sold for the event, most of them to foreigners.
The end of December brings another edition of the Pattaya Countdown Dec. 29-31 at Bali Hai Pier.

Wonderfuit, a gathering that explores wonder through art, culture, music, and nature will be held Dec. 15-18 at The Fields at Siam Country Club.