Photisampan School observes Teachers Day

Students of Photisampan Pittayakarn School paid respect to their instructors on Teachers Day.
Students of Photisampan Pittayakarn School paid respect to their instructors on Teachers Day.

Students of Photisampan Pittayakarn School paid respect to their instructors on Teachers Day.
Principal Somsak Duangcharoen presided over the June 27 event organized to let students show appreciation for their teachers’ kindness and dedication.

Youths lit candles and incense before paying respect to a Buddha statue and a portrait of HM the King.

Principal Somsak Duangcharoen presided over the event organized to let students show appreciation for their teachers’ kindness and dedication.
Principal Somsak Duangcharoen presided over the event organized to let students show appreciation for their teachers’ kindness and dedication.

Then, secondary and high school students performed the traditional Teacher’s Day activities, including chanting, a blessing dance, choir singing and a pledge of dedication. Then
Afterward, students from each class presented teachers with flowers.