Police warn Pattaya restaurants to comply with booze, safety rules

Pol. Col. Kullachart Kullachai warned restaurants to abide by the law regarding operating hours and complying with safety standards.

Pattaya’s new police chief warned city restaurants to stick to legal hours and safety standards if they wanted to continue to sell alcohol.

Pol. Col. Kullachart Kullachai said Dec. 7, that inspections over the first few days since booze went back on the menu that everyone – both operators and customers – seem to be behaving themselves.

No one has been cited for selling alcohol outside of legal hours – 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-11 p.m. – and every establishment checked had the required Safety and Health Administration certification.

As time goes on, however, other venues without the required restaurant license or SHA seal may be tempted to start selling booze. Or existing outlets may start extending their hours.

Boonanan Pattanasin, PBTA President said that he is pleased to see hotel bookings are picking up for the holiday period, but it will be a long time before things return to normal.

“Don’t,” Kullachart warned. Police will be staying vigilant as such situations could lead to new coronavirus clusters and damage Pattaya’s image and tourism industry.

The test will come over the new year’s holiday. Pattaya hotels are reporting strong bookings for the Pattaya Countdown and the city is expected to be teeming with people wanting to party.

Kullachart said more than 400 regional police and volunteers will be on duty, not only to prevent crime against new year’s revelers, but to keep pressure on booze-selling outlets.