Richmond Jomtien-Pattaya holds Charity Shoe Fashion Show to feed the poor


Richmond in Soi Welcome Jomtien has been giving food to the poor since March 26 2020. At last count they have given out over 32,000 bags of food to the needy. All the funds to buy food come from donations made by Expats and local people.

To continue to take care of the poor, they have to find ways to raise money. Paul Richmond held a Dr. Martens Charity Shoe Fashion show on Friday Feb. 11 at Richmond Bar Soi Welcome Jomtien. The show began at 7.30p.m.

Models for the shoes included Paul Cross, his pretty staff and even the customers joined in to don the world famous DMs and strutting up and down the catwalk.

The fashion show was unique as volunteer models wore different styles of shoes and boots including cowboy boots. The world famous foot apparels are designed by an Englishman and a German which were highly fashionable and became an icon in the 70s and 80s.

The shoes and boots are produced in China, England and Thailand.

Richmond together with their group of friends continues to give food to the destitute in the Pattaya communities. Paul says that instead of setting up a table in town, he and his team go deep into the rural areas where no one ever goes to bring food and supplies to the poor.

Paul who runs the Richmond Sports & Guest House in Soi Welcome Jomtien says “The city has suffered considerably these past two years and we want to revive the businesses in Pattaya and especially the bars and restaurants in our Soi, so I decide to branch out into the fashion world and organize these events to attract people to Soi Welcome.

Paul Cross invites members of all walks of life to participate saying, “If you have anything to do with the fashion world hair, nails, make up and would like to be part of our next show please contact Joy 098 961 8599.

The next Charity Shoe Fashion Show will be held at Richmond Soi welcome on Friday 25th February at 7.30pm. All are welcome.