Rotary Peace Fellow fascinated by Pattaya CPDC sufficiency-economy farming project

The Australian Rotary Peace Fellow visitors Essan Dileri and Saajeda Samaa were awestruck by the beauty of the handicrafts created by the staff and children at the CPDC.

Rotarians from Pattaya and an Australian Peace Fellow representative visited the Child Protection and Development Center to learn about its sufficiency-economy farming project.

Chanunda Kongphol, president of the Rotary E-Club Dolphin Pattaya International, together with Charter President Dr. Otmar Deter, Past President Dr. Margret Deter and Honorary member Elfi Seitz accompanied Essan Dileri, a Peace Fellow from Australia and his partner Saajeda Samaa on a tour of the Huay Yai center June 4.

Siromet Akarapongpanitch, deputy director of the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand, which runs the CPDC, welcomed the visitors who were there to learn what could be done to make up the charity’s financial shortfalls.

The gardening project, based on King Rama IX’s “sufficiency economy” principles, sees children planting vegetables for their own food. They’re trained to cultivate such crops as Chinese kale, Chinese cabbage, carrots, limes, tomatoes and others.

Siromet Akarapongpanitch, deputy director of the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand guides the visitors through the various cultivation and breeding projects at the CPDC.

There are also dedicated farms for mushrooms, fish, chickens, ducks, crickets and pigs.

That which is not consumed by the CPDC is sold at market for extra revenue.

The Rotarians said the project was fun and exciting and praised the vocational skills it taught the children.

The group also saw the children’s decoupage handicrafts, such as bags and other accessories which are sold at low prices to fill the kids’ education fund.

All the information gained will be presented at the meeting of Rotary E-Club Dolphin Pattaya International to find ways to support the charity.

The fish breeding ponds were of particular interest to the visitors.

Dr. Margret and Pres. Chanunda peek into the breeding grounds of the crickets.

Dr. Otmar, Dr. Margret and Chanunda were impressed with the huge crop of mushrooms grown at the center.

Dr. Otmar made a new friend.

At the end of their visit the Rotarians and friends made a small donation to the CPDC to supplement the education costs of the children.