‘Sandbox’ plan could add 3 million tourists to Thailand

The Tourism Council of Thailand said moves to relax quarantine requirements could bring three million more foreign tourists to Thailand.

The Tourism Council of Thailand said moves to relax quarantine requirements could bring three million more foreign tourists to Thailand.

TCT President Chumnan Srisawat on April 1 called the move to create no-quarantine “sandboxes” in Phuket in July and other tourist resorts, including Pattaya in October, a good first step.

But total tourist numbers will fall below government predictions unless Bangkok is added to that list, he said.

However, tourists from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Australia could boost tourist numbers by three million this year, he said. Chumnan added that tourists vaccinated against the coronavirus also could come from the United States and Europe.

Until then, domestic tourism must be increased, Chumnan said. He suggested the government should extend its subsidized-travel programs.

TCT President Chumnan Srisawat on April 1 called the move to create no-quarantine “sandboxes” in Phuket in July and other tourist resorts, including Pattaya in October, a good first step.

TCT Vice President Wichit Prakobkoson adds that more could be considered, including travel bubbles, vaccine passports, and opening international and chartered flights.

Seven-day quarantine for vaccinated tourists began on April 1 in Phuket.