Thailand streets-ahead of competitors in the popularity stakes

If he smokes weed in public, he can be arrested on public nuisance charges because of the smell.

Travel agents say that the recent decriminalization of marijuana use and the forthcoming move to allow same-gender civil unions or marriage make Thailand the most liberal tourist destination in south east Asia. Global Travel executive Colin Holmes said, “Progress on these fronts is the last thing we expected from a government led by a military junta, but there’s even talk now of permitting casinos as well.”

UK travel agencies Dream Travel and Luxury Hols say the main limiting factor for travel to Thailand right now is shortage of flights rather than disinclination to take to the skies. They also point out that extending visa stays in Thailand, without leaving the country, is a good deal simpler than in other competitor countries. For example, Vietnam makes it hard to stay longer than 30 days, whilst the Philippines hasn’t yet dismantled its anti-Covid entry bureaucracy like Thailand has.

As early as 2018, the junta-appointed parliament approved the medical use of marijuana, citing health reasons, but a wider push resulted in the drug no longer being listed as a banned substance under the narcotics act last June. Although the detailed legal situation remains controversial, smoking pot in private is ignored although public use could be prosecuted under public nuisance legislation. Government propaganda maintains the aim is not to create a stoner’s paradise but to offer a retreat to well-heeled tourists seeking medical treatment here.

There are currently two gay rights bills in the Thai parliament awaiting their second and third readings. One would permit full gay marriage and the other a slightly-diluted civil union. The Bangkok-based Rainbow Alliance says it’s is even possible both will be passed to permit maximum choice. But the tiny majority of the military-backed coalition government means that a formal announcement could be as late as mid-2023 after the next scheduled general election. The only country in Asia currently to have legitimized gay marriage is Taiwan, although there are exclusions. For example, an LBGTQ+ Taiwanese national may not marry a foreigner.

Thailand right now is a land of contradictions, a combination of tight rules on the one hand and free-wheeling on the other. The monarchy is considered a spiritual pillar and any criticism invites a 15 year jail sentence. Booze laws are archaic and it is still illegal to buy alcohol in a store outside the hours 11.00-14.00 and 17.00-23.00. The Asian sex trade is alive and kicking (howbeit with occasional police raids and a strict policy on under-age) even though prostitution in Thailand has been illegal since 1960.

None the less, Thailand is now a trailblazer for tourist Asia. Whilst countries like Singapore and Malaysia retain the death penalty for cannabis trafficking, Thailand’s liberal agenda is proving both attractive and cash-savvy. As Anutin Charnvirakul, construction tycoon and minister of health, puts it, “We want Thai people to grow cannabis as a cash crop and to promote quality tourism at the same time.” Casinos won’t be far behind.