Traffic jams and packed boats signals Pattaya tourism revival

To ensure safety, tourist police hand out life vests to all boat passengers travelling to Koh Larn Island during the holidays.

Busy roads and full boats were the clearest sign that Pattaya was a popular destination for the four-day holiday weekend.

Long queues of passengers boarded boats at Bali Hai Pier for Koh Larn July 29, with Marine Department officers ensuring everyone was wearing life jackets. The pier’s multipurpose zone was full of cars.

Beaches both on the mainland and island were full with tourists from neighboring provinces and Bangkok. Hotels on the island were fully booked.

Meanwhile Pattaya police requested city hall halt all road construction projects during the holiday weekend. With the concern about traffic jams resulting from drainage-system projects that have ripped up roadways, traffic police asked that all work be suspended through Aug. 1.

Pattaya police requested city hall halt all road construction and drainage-system projects during the long weekend.