Wary Pattaya parents wait until last minute to buy school uniforms

This little girl tries on a shirt that is two sizes too big, so it will last her until next year of just in case schools are closed like they did last year.

School campuses open for a new semester Tuesday and the rush is on for new uniforms.

Shops across the area were busy with parents dragging their kids to try on new uniforms while looking for good deals.

Parent Kanrapa Viteethaibanjong said she had bought uniforms for her growing child about two weeks ahead last year, only to have them hang in the closet unused when classroom instructions went online only due to Covid-19.

Now the uniforms don’t fit.

This year, she bought uniforms close to the projected opening date to lessen the odds of a repeat circumstance. She also bought them a bit too big, to get more future use and only shopped where embroidery of student and school names on the shirt was offered free. Some shops charge 30-50 baht for embroidery work.

A boy tries on a pair of school uniform shorts as his mother watches anxiously waiting for his approval.

Parents prefer to buy at shops that offer free embroidery of the student and school names on the shirt at no charge. Embroidery can cost 30-50 baht each at some shops.