There were two diverse speakers for attendees to enjoy at the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on Sunday, July 8. The first speaker was Chris Akmakjian who gave a presentation covering his background leading up to his currency trading business … whilst Amirah Cummings gave an overview of the education project which she is busy expanding for children around the globe and described as her “Global Quest”.

Chris, originally from Australia, moved to Thailand for a new lease of life. He is a very passionate and dedicated family orientated person who started his presentation in lively fashion with the theme from Rocky; covering his early life as an entrepreneur, explaining that during his early days at school, he created toys which he sold to his classmates for pocket money. Chris also shared how he has fought and overcome adversity in life by recovering from two life threatening illnesses which have necessitated him taking a very healthy approach to dietary and personal lifestyle management. Through this life journey, he fortunately found his supportive loving wife and family here in Thailand where he now lives and operates as a full-time currency market trader; trading his own funds whilst also managing private client funds as well as offering training options for select individuals who are interested in taking the plunge themselves.
Chris explained that typically 95% of amateur traders lose their whole account balance within a matter of months, whereas the majority concentrate on a myriad of indicators including charting patterns among many others, they do not recognize the awaiting pitfalls. Their losses, however, he attributes mainly to an incorrect mindset rather than strategy and or technique, stressing the importance of knowing the concept and understanding the risks involved. As an example, he cited Bitcoin as a high risk. A concept and hot topic which he admits to having little or no knowledge or experience in, and he therefore, as a caution, stays away from the unknown. Although advising that with the correct discipline and strict strategy, trading can be a very lucrative and rewarding way of managing your finances.
Next up, all the way from New Jersey in the USA, was a very unassuming and professional lady who shared her driving ambition to introduce a new concept of learning, mainly, although not limited to, the under-fives age group. Amirah Cummings is a multi-lingual speaker, who, three years ago gained her Master’s Degree from the University of Pennsylvania in Educational Entrepreneurship. She is a strong believer in the power of communication which can broaden and expand people’s overall cultural outlook, tolerance and understanding.
Amirah has a mantra by which she applies her vision, drive and motivation with her very own quote, “If you want to change the world ~ you simply must dare to do so.” In January 2017 she prepared an Annual Report in order to procure initial first round investment interest. She also undertook travelling the world for inspiration and new ideas. With her ability to communicate in English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese and slightly “rusty” Italian, she discovered by observation that children could learn much easier and quicker if their education is tailored to meet the child’s natural mental pathways. For example, a child with artistic ability would learn easier and quicker using art incorporated with words and numbers. Whereas, likewise a child with numerical interest could have colors, shapes and words combined with the numbers.
She has prepared a set Structured Cummings Method which experienced adults can use as a teaching framework (not just teachers) culminating in a unique assessment scheme based more on overall all round accomplishments, rather than just academia. Who knows, she thinks this could be a great way to find new world leaders. To find out more, a new website is under construction titled, The Cummings School.org.

After the presentations, MC Roy Albiston brought everyone up to date on upcoming events which was followed by the Open Forum where members and guests can ask questions or make comments about Expat living in Thailand. For more on the PCEC and their activities or to subscribe to their weekly newsletter, visit www.pcec.club.